"It is worse news for gays—the religious Right can’t/won’t tell the difference between gays and lesbians and gender ideology—and the Left is giving them no reason to make the distinction." I've been noticing this a lot. My family are religious and quite socially conservative; they don't see the difference and I've tried to explain but they feel like this stuff is everywhere and they're not happy with any of it.

On MINOs, I listen to a podcast on BBC four about religion and it's surprising the number of times they will invite a socially conservative (white) Christian and a very progressive Muslim. I grew up around Muslims in Amsterdam—they wouldn't have recognised the kinds of things these people say on the radio, especially about things like sexual orientation and gender. I still remember my female Muslim friends not being allowed to take sex ed by their parents and having to step out of class when that topic was being discussed.

More broadly, I'm with Abigail Shrier on the turning of the tide narrative. I don't think things will change on their own, simply because of a few wins. It's going to take large numbers of people opposing the changing of our laws and the damaging "care" framework to treat gender dysphoria in young people.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Sarah Haider

I also think it’s one thing when gay folks are living their lives and raising their own kids. Even most conservatives realize that people are just born gay and that’s kind of it. They don’t try to convert others.

Trans is a really different thing in that they actively proselytize. It’s not live and let live when they try to convert your kids and then try to take them away when you won’t go along with it. I’m being a bit hyperbolic to make the point but not too much.

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Exactly. I think the issue is feeling like you have to participate or even actually having to participate in things you don't agree with or have reservations about.

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"Muslims were never truly part of the Leftist fold. The inclusion was only of their idealized representation, a creation that both parties maintained through a mix of falsehoods and self-deception."

Isn't this true of everyone, though (except white liberals)? Weren't blacks, Jews, gays, etc. reduced to a simplistic idealization when they got incorporated into the leftist Borg? Granted, it's Muslims that you're talking about here, but I think it's worth noting that this is what happens to everyone. You are not who you are; you're who nice white liberals want to think you are.

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To different extents it might be true of many groups. I don't think it is true of LGBTQ, though, do you?

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Isn't the whole concept of LGBTQ the result of nice white liberals squashing together a bunch of different groups with different interests and pretending they're all the same? One could say that's true even just of LGB, but when you throw the others in, it gets pretty crazy.

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Weren't Jews always Evil Zionist oppressors, who were deemed white and privileged by the left?

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No, that's a relatively recent phenomenon.

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The one wildcard in all this is the Tucker Carlson effect.

My city had a similar blowup where Muslim students skipped class on a #Pride day, and their teacher got caught on a hot mic berating them. See https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rahim-mohamed-unhinged-teacher-tells-muslim-to-support-pride-or-you-cant-be-canadian

It's tough for woke media outlets to bury these kinds of stories entirely when they see the ratings of a guy like Tucker, who will broadcast stories like this one (if not this exact one) to a massive audience that skews surprisingly bipartisan. Burying the existence of, say, socially conservative Muslims, only works if your audience is in such a news bubble that if they don't hear about it from you, they won't hear about it at all.

It's sort of like how the NYT had to (reluctantly!) acknowledge recent European trends on gender-affirming care for minors, because they knew their audience was bound to hear about it one way or another: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/09/health/puberty-blockers-transgender-children-britain-nhs.html

So I'm not sure the MINOs are actually going to be able to hog the mic (we all know they'll try) simply because woke outlets are under increasing pressure to address the elephant in the room in order to salvage what's left of their credibility, and by extension their ratings.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Sarah Haider

I just want to comment that so many replies to this start with quotations from the actual text, followed by reasoned commentary. How about that for an internet comment section? It speaks to the quality of your audience, Sarah! (Not to sound too SELF congratulatory)

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Thank you, and I'm all for self-congratulation in this comment section. :)

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Sarah Haider

You are one depressing writer. I mean, I think you are correct, but very depressing.

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Thanks for this, Sarah - I appreciate your intellectual honesty and willingness to critique both Islam and the Left. It’s a lonely place, to be sure, but just wanted to reaffirm that you’re not alone.

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"The statement also makes clear that there can be no 'progress' on this issue as '...particular principles that are explicitly stated in revelation, known to be necessary elements of Islam, and unanimously agreed upon by qualified scholars are deemed immutable and not open to revision by any person or entity, including the highest religious authorities'. Attempts to reinterpret doctrine to be inclusive of LGBTQ affirmation are, therefore, 'theologically indefensible'."

Theology is just dogmatic imagination codified into excuses to murder anyone who disagrees. That's human history in a nutshell. Abrahamic murders in the name of 'you offended my imaginary deity' are just the most recent chapter of imaginative, power-hungry fantasists insisting everyone else pretend their fantasies are law on pain of death.

Identity politics, as far as I can tell, is as or more toxic than the Abrahamic fools. I am not going to learn 32 different genders so that random people I've never met won't be offended. Progressives can be just as offensive and conservatives. I call that a case of demanding I pretend you aren't mentally ill when you definitely are.

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You’re so good. Very fine analysis.

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